Privacy Policy

We knows that you take your right to privacy very seriously, and so do we! We are committed to protecting your privacy. Any information provided to us, including the collection, use, and maintaining of personal information by Discountify - Price Calculator, will never be released to others. The information that is collected will be exclusively used to enhance your experience while using Lightsaber - Saber Simulator HD.

Information Gathered

The information that we collect is only for app analytics. We collect the behavior of user while using LigthSaber HD App. Such as how ofthen you are using the app. How much time you spend in app. We do not collect your infomation more than these. The reason that we use analytics is for improve user's experience in our app and Ads experience.

App Permission

The LigthSaber - Saber Simulator HD require CAMERA PERMISSION to access camera service. The reason that we need to access CAMERA because, LightSaber app has to use camera flashlight to simulate the lightsaber. We do not take and collect any photo from your device.

Policy Updates

This policy may change from time to time, but if it does, we will post any changes up on this page. If there are any significant changes, we will provide a more prominent notice on our site. If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy please do not hesitate to contact us.